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about us
















Where do we begin? Shruti and I were born in Boise, Idaho AKA potato land. Before idaho, our parents left their hometown of Ahmedabad, India to seek opportunities in the US; they brought as much as they could fit into a couple of suitcases to start a new life here. Though they had to start over from scratch, my family survived. The  tang of home made Indian food, family get togethers with singing and laughing and the shift between Gujarati and English made up pieces of our childhood. Idaho was breathtaking, it was our home for nearly 9 years. But like any dedicated immigrant parent, getting a new job meant change, and in our case that was moving to Texas at the age of 9.  Moving to Texas was difficult, It wasn't what our 9 year old selves had expected, it wasn’t a place where cowboys who wore pearl-button snap western shirts rode their horses on dirt roads. Although the transition to a southern state was difficult, it was what was best for our future. 


With that being said, Shruti and I have always been seeking opportunities to share our lives and our passions. This blog is an opportunity for us to share our travels, our family, our quirky love for studying and puzzles, our culture and our lifestyle as brown twins in America. So buckle your seatbelts because this ride is just getting started.





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